L'invito sollecita proposte nell'ambito del programma specifico «Cooperazione»: area Energia. Settori oggetto dell’invito (Topics called): ACTIVITY ENERGY.2: RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY GENERATION AREA ENERGY.2.1: PHOTOVOLTAICS ENERGY.2008.2.1.1: Enhancing strategic international cooperation initiatives in the field of concentration photovoltaics; AREA ENERGY.2.7: HYDRO ENERGY.2008.2.7.1: Pre-normative research for hydropower; ACTIVITY ENERGY.3: RENEWABLE FUEL PRODUCTION AREA ENERGY.3.2: SECOND GENERATION FUEL FROM BIOMASS ENERGY.2008.3.2.1: Enhancing international cooperation between the EU and Latin America in the field of biofuels cooperation actions; ACTIVITY ENERGY.5: CO2 CAPTURE AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES FOR ZERO EMISSION POWER GENERATION AREA ENERGY.5.2: CO2 STORAGE ENERGY.2008.5.2.1: CO2 Capture and Storage – Capacity building with the large emerging economies; ENERGY.2008.5.2.2 : CO2 transport and storage infrastructure development; ENERGY.2008.5.2.3 : CO2 capture and storage – public acceptance; ENERGY.2008.5.2.4: Development of a suitable methodology for the qualification of deep saline aquifers for CO2 storage ACTIVITY ENERGY.7: SMART ENERGY NETWORKS AREA ENERGY.7.1: DEVELOPMENT OF INTER-ACTIVE DISTRIBUTION ENERGY NETWORKS ENERGY.2008.7.1.1: Open-access Standard for Smart Multi-Metering Services; AREA ENERGY.7.2: PAN-EUROPEAN ENERGY NETWORKS ENERGY.2008.7.2.2: Innovative concepts and technologies for sustainable gas networks; ACTIVITY ENERGY 8: ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND SAVINGS AREA ENERGY 8.1 EFFICIENT ENERGY USE IN THE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY ENERGY.2008.8.1.1: Energy efficiency of industrial heat exchangers and boilers; ACTIVITY ENERGY.10: HORIZONTAL PROGRAMME ACTIONS ENERGY.2008.10.1.3:...
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