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BF REDD+ Readiness Preparation
Stanziamento: € 6.870.000
Enabling Activities to Support the ratification and early implementation of the Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction EA-BBNJ
The objective of this Enabling Activity (EA) grant is to support countries in: (a) assessing the extent to which their current legal, policy and institutional framework allows for promptly becoming parties to the Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ Agreement) and enables their implementation of the Agreement; (b) carrying out preparatory work in the context of their ratification, approval, acceptance or accession process towards becoming parties to the BBNJ Agreement; and (c) supporting their readiness to implement the BBNJ Agreement.
Stanziamento: US$700,000
Enabling China to Prepare Its First Biennial Transparency Reports on Climate Change under UNFCCC
To assist the Government of China in the preparation and submission of its First Biennial Transparency Report (1BTR) for the fulfillment of the obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement (PA)
Stanziamento: US$250,000
First and Second Biennial Transparency Report and Fifth National Communication 1BTR + 5NC 2BTR
The objective of this project is to assist Togo in the preparation and submission of its First Biennial Transparency Report (BTR1) and a combined Second Biennial Transparency and Fifth National Communication Report (NC5/BTR2) for the fulfillment of the obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement (PA), in line with the Modalities, procedures and guidelines for the transparency framework for action and support referred to in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement (Decision 18/CMA .1) and the guidance on operationalizing the MPGs as per Decision 5/CMA.3. The project will support Togo in achieving its global environment concerns and commitments to international conventions, and to integrate climate change considerations in national development planning and policy through ensuring continuity of the institutional and technical capacity building, partly initiated, and consequently sustained by reporting instruments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Stanziamento: US$1,233,000
Development of the First Biennial Transparency Report and the Fourth National Communication and Second Biennial Transparency Report as combined report under the UNFCCC 1BTR - 4NC2BTR
The objective of this project is to assist the Government of Guatemala in the preparation and submission of its First Biennial Transparency Report and a combined Fourth National Communication Report and Second Biennial Transparency for the fulfillment of the obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement (PA).
Stanziamento: US$1,233,000
Support for the development of protected areas for the conservation of biodiversity
The project aims to strengthen conservation of biodiversity in Community Nature Reserves (OECMs) and mainstream biodiversity in pastoral production systems
Strengthening the protected area system in Angola through innovation and capacity development
To enhance the effectiveness of Angola’s protected area system through improved financial leverage, technical innovation and participatory management models.
Enhancing co-benefits of conservationprotected area management through an inclusive wildlife-based ecotourism strategy ECOTOURISM
To develop and implement sustainable, wildlife and nature-friendly ecotourism products and services in Indonesia’s conservation/protected areas to enhance biodiversity conservation and promote local community involvement and benefit-sharing
Sustainable Management and Restoration of Threatened Ecological Corridors in Kenya
To enhance holistic management and restoration of ecological corridors to ensure ecosystem integrity, connectivity, resilience and human well-being in Kenya.
Effective protection of Mozambique's Miombo woodlands and marine hotspot conservation areas enhancing global coping mechanisms to climate change
To contribute to the implementation of the Maputo Declaration on Sustainable and integrated management of Miombo woodlands through the pilot case of Gilé National Park (GNAP), and make the case for achieving the 10% of marine conservation areas by 2030 in Mozambique
Restoring Forest Ecosystem Functions Through Community-Based Management in the Royal Botanic Garden of Jordan
To restore forest landscapes, conserve biodiversity and promote sustainable utilization of forest resources by communities in the vicinity of the Royal Botanical Gardens (RBG) and Dibeen Forest Reserve, Jordan
Empowering Indigenous Peoples for Sustainable Development: Inclusive Biodiversity Management through a Social and Solidarity Economy Approach
Empower indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) in Suriname's rural districts and interior regions to sustainably manage their lands, territories, and resources, promoting biodiversity management, social inclusion, and sustainable development through social and solidarity economy (SESE) principles and strengthened organizational capacity, governance structures, and policy frameworks.
Strengthening transboundary conserved area management of the Sangha Tri-National TNS
To provide sustainable, long-term investment in the globally significant TNS contributing to the 30*30 goals of Cameroon, the Central African Republic, and the Republic of Congo.
Responding to Pacific priorities for ecosystem management and NBSAP implementation through strengthening capacities for effective planning and monitoring of ecosystems
Enhance sustainable management of marine and terrestrial ecosystems through strengthened planning, financing, monitoring and inclusive local community participation in Fiji, Nauru and Tonga
Advancing ABS implementation in Cambodia
To advance ABS implementation in Cambodia for conservation of biological diversity and equitable sharing of benefits from the utilization of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge.
Philippines Biodiversity Financing Program
To increase public and private sector biodiversity/nature-positive investments through the implementation of the National Biodiversity Finance Plan to support the accelerated achievement of the KM-GBF aligned Philippine Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (PBSAP) targets
Support for the development of a national policy, institutional and monitoring framework to effectively implement the Nagoya Protocol in Belize
This project aims to assist in the establishment of a national framework that will support greater capacity and coordination across entities responsible for regulating access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing. Transparency, inclusivity and wide stakeholder involvement are key to the development of such a framework which also gives consideration to the Indigenous Peoples of Belize. Hence, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPs & LCs) will be listed as project beneficiaries of project components/activities but will not directly receive financial resources. Nevertheless, by improving access to genetic resources and traditional knowledge, in a just and equitable manner, while promoting and supporting IPs & LCs´ stewardship of this knowledge and benefits from its use through policy and legislation, this project will assist Belize in charting a sustainable pathway to the effective management and use of its biodiversity. This goal is aligned with GBFF targets and responds to the National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan (2016-2020). Objective:To create an enabling environment for Belize to accede to and implement the Nagoya Protocol, through bridging the policy and legislative gap that exists as it relates to access to genetic resources.
Delivering Target 3 at the regional scale in Peru: Applying the ecosystem approach in the Northern Transversal Economic Corridor of Peru Northern TEC
Contribute to the achievement of GBF Target 3 objectives in the North of Peru, increasing the coverage and effective management of its Conserved Areas, and empowering IP&LC agency for biodiversity management and conservation, applying the ecosystem-based approach in the Northern Transversal Economic Corridor (Northern TEC)
Community-based conservation for biodiversity and livelihoods in the context of climate change in DRC
To conserve and sustainably use biodiversity in Communal and Indigenous Land of the DRC, supporting the recovery of degraded ecosystems, carbon sequestration and storage, climate resilience, and people's livelihoods.
Strengthening Globally Significant Biodiversity Corridors in the Philippines through Local Community Empowerment
To strengthen globally significant biodiversity corridors in the Philippines through comprehensive restoration, management, valuation and financing strategies which empower local communities..
Reimagining National Parks for People and Nature - Leveraging Durable Financing Mechanisms for Mega Living Landscapes MLL to achieve Target 3 in South Africa
To enhance the effective establishment and management of Mega Living Landscapes (MLLs) in South Africa by developing and implementing durable financial mechanisms for them.
Global Opportunities for the Long-Term Development of the Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Sector in Costa Rica - planetGOLD Costa Rica
To reduce the negative environmental and social impacts caused by the intensive use of mercury in the artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) sector in Costa Rica
Stanziamento: US$4,500,000
Scaling up biodiversity-positive and culturally inclusive agrifood and agritourism systems in Palau
To scale up the sustainable use of biodiversity and maintain the ecological integrity of agro-ecosystems in Palau’s mosaics of agricultural and natural landscapes.
Advancing integrated participatory spatial planning to enhance Samoa's globally significant biodiversity at a national scale
To support integrated participatory spatial planning within Samoa’s landscapes to enhance globally significant biodiversity and ecosystem functionality
Third Additional Financing to the Food Systems Resilience Program FSRP
To increase preparedness against food insecurity and improve the resilience of food systems in participating countries.
Stanziamento: US$18,348,624
Guinea Water and Sanitation Project
The project objective is to increase access to improved water services in Greater Conakry and to support the implementation of water and sanitation policy and institutional reforms
Stanziamento: US$10,092,000
Control and reduction of mercury emissions from the cement industry in Brazil
To support national commitment towards the Minamata Convention through monitoring, control and reduction of mercury emissions from the cement industry in Brazil and synergies with innovative approaches planned under the Cement Technology Roadmap
Stanziamento: US$12,000,000
Enhancing Integrated Watershed Management and Climate Resilience for Vulnerable Communities in the Nam-Poui, Nam-Poun, Nam-Lay and Nam-Houng Basins in Lao PDR
Enhance adaptation capacity of agriculture-dependent communities to floods, droughts, seasonal variations, and uneven access to freshwater in key river basins in Sayaboury province.
Stanziamento: US$6,772,477
Strengthening Zambezi River Basin Management towards Climate Resilience and Ecosystem Health.
To improve collaborative water, energy, food and environmental planning and management in the Zambezi River Basin.
Stanziamento: US$9,450,000
Promoting adaptation to climate change through innovation and entrepreneurship for green jobs and livelihood improvement in rain-fed and pasture agricultural communities in Somalia
Stanziamento: US$6,222,018
Promoting adaptation and resilience through innovation and entrepreneurship for green jobs and livelihood improvement in Ethiopia
Stanziamento: US$8,974,312
Promoting climate change adaptation and resilience through innovation and entrepreneurship for green jobs in Malawi
Stanziamento: US$4,437,156
Promoting climate adapation and resilience through innovation and entrepreneurship for green jobs in Lesotho
Stanziamento: US$8,974,312
Programme for innovation in climate adaptation and resilience building solutions - Global Coordination
Stanziamento: US$1,500,000
Programme for innovation in climate adaptation and resilience building solutions PARS
Reduce climate vulnerability and enhance resilience of vulnerable communities to climate change by promoting innovation, facilitating technology transfer and deploying adaptation and resilience building solutions at scale.
Building Urban Resilience to Climate Change and Transitioning to Green Economy in Somalia
Enhance the resilience of urban systems and improve the adaptive capacity of vulnerable urban communities and ecosystems to reduce the adverse impacts of climate change on urban areas in Somalia.
Stanziamento: US$11,626,606
GEM Program Global Child Project: Coordination and Knowledge Management
Stanziamento: US$8,000,000
Promoting circularity and resource efficiency in the electronics value chain across southern African countries
Stanziamento: US$10,000,000
Promoting circularity and resource efficiency in the electronic value chain in Kazakhstan
Stanziamento: US$5,000,000
Electronics management for sustainable ICT solutions in the Horn of Africa HoA
Stanziamento: US$7,000,000
Reduce waste and chemicals of concerns through promoting circularity in electric and electronic management in Viet Nam
Stanziamento: US$5,500,000
Strengthening the value chain for WEEE management in Colombia.
Stanziamento: US$5,500,000
Global Electronics Management GEM Program Child Project in Cambodia
Stanziamento: US$4,000,000
Sustainable electronics management in Peru
Stanziamento: US$5,000,000
Sustainable electronics management in the Republic of Turkiye
Stanziamento: US$5,000,000
Sustainable electronics management in the Philippines
Stanziamento: US$5,000,000
Global Electronics Management GEM Program
To significantly reduce the generation of electronic waste and increase circularity and resource recovery in the electronics sector of developing countries, through the creation of an enabling environment, including access to finance, technology and policy and legislative change that fosters responsible electronics management.
Sao Tome e Principe - Development of the Transport and Coastal Protection Sector
The main objective of this project is to enhance coastal resilience through climate resilient transport infrastructure, improved road safety and connectivity, facilitating access to markets, schools and services
Stanziamento: US$12,844,037
Rehabilitation and restoration of ecosystems in the Gum Arabic belt and sustainable use of forest resources in Mauritania
The objective is to combat land degradation through the restoration, sustainable management and use of agro-silvopastoral landscapes and associated ecosystem services as well as goods, including Gum Arabic and other NTFPs
Stanziamento: US$5,329,452
Strengthening the resilience of smallholder farmers and ecosystems to the effects of climate change STRADAP
To promote climate adaptive, viable and resilient enterprises for youth and women that create jobs and are integrated with agro-silvo-pastoral and fishing value chains in Chad.
Stanziamento: US$7,105,936