Horizon Europe: LEAP-SE Cofund - Call 2025

23 January 2025|
LEAP-SE Call 2025. Europe-Africa Research and Innovation call on Sustainable Energy. Aim The Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Sustainable Energy (LEAP-SE) is a 6-year program co-funded by the European Commission under Horizon Europe. It aims at developing a long-term partnership between Europe and Africa on Research and Innovation (R&I) in sustainable energy. The scope of the Cofund Call is based on the ecosystem analysis highlighting that Sustainable Energy are of vital importance in tackling the global challenge posed by climate change and in providing reliable energy access to millions of people worldwide. The Cofund Call aims at responding to the following expectations, which should be addressed by the submitted projects: 1. Technological development needs to be deepened at all points along the energy value chain, including conversion technologies and end use devices. Resource assessment is still crucial for some sources while distribution is an important area for research and innovation when dealing with integration of renewables via smart mini grids, either in their off-grid configuration, or when considering their long‐term integration within the national grid. This is one of the most attractive areas of research where leapfrogging can be done by leveraging innovation with the digital...
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