Invito a presentare proposte H2020-NMBP-2016-2017 nell'ambito del programma Ue per la ricerca e l'innovazione Horizon 2020. L'invito prevede i seguenti argomenti (topic): BIOTEC-01-2016:ERA-NET Cofund on Biotechnologies BIOTEC-02-2016:Bioconversion of non-agricultural waste into biomolecules for industrial applications BIOTEC-03-2016:Microbial chassis platforms with optimized metabolic pathways for industrial innovations through systems biology BIOTEC-04-2016:KET Biotechnology foresight identifying gaps and high-value opportunities for the EU industry BIOTEC-05-2017:Microbial platforms for CO2-reuse processes in the low-carbon economy BIOTEC-06-2017:Optimisation of biocatalysis and downstream processing for the sustainable production of high value-added platform chemicals BIOTEC-07-2017:New Plant Breeding Techniques (NPBT) in molecular farming: Multipurpose crops for industrial bioproducts BIOTEC-08-2017:Support for enhancing and demonstrating the impact of KET Biotechnology projects NMBP-01-2016:Novel hybrid materials for heterogeneous catalysis NMBP-02-2016:Advanced Materials for Power Electronics based on wide bandgap semiconductor devices technology NMBP-03-2016:Innovative and sustainable materials solutions for the substitution of critical raw materials in the electric power system NMBP-04-2017:Architectured /Advanced material concepts for intelligent bulk material structures NMBP-05-2017:Advanced materials and innovative design for improved functionality and aesthetics in high added value consumer goods NMBP-06-2017:Improved material durability in buildings and infrastructures, including offshore NMBP-07-2017:Systems of materials characterisation for model, product and process optimisation NMBP-08-2016:Affordable weight reduction of high-volume vehicles and components taking into account the...

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