Entro la fine di luglio, la DG Information Society and Media della Commissione europea terminerà le valutazioni per l'assegnazione dei 127 milioni di euro messi a disposizione del sesto invito ICT Policy Support Programme 2012. Lo strumento, chiuso il 15 maggio scorso, attua il Programma quadro per la competitività e l'innovazione (CIP 2007-2013) che intende incoraggiare l'impiego e lo sfruttamento del potenziale tecnologico e dei contenuti digitali per favorire la crescita e la competitività europea.
L'invito si articolava in cinque Temi; di seguito le 165 proposte presentate:
Tema 1 - ICT for "smart" cities
- Smart urban digital services for energy efficiency: 18 Pilot B;
- Cooperative transport systems for smart mobility: 4 Pilot B;
- Open Innovation for Internet - enabled Services and next generation access (NGA) services in "smart" Cities: 31 Pilot B.
Tema 2- Digital content, open data and creativity
- Europeana and creativity: 3 Pilot B, 3 Thematic Network, 30 Best Practice Network;
- Open Data and open access to scientific information: 3 Pilot A, 6 Pilot B, 5 Thematic Network;
- eLearning: 8 Pilot B.
Tema 3 - ICT for health, ageing well and inclusion
- Wide deployment of integrated care services: 1 Pilot A;
- Towards open and personalised solutions for active and independent living: 10 Pilot B;
- Digital capacity and skills: 9 Pilot B, 3 Thematic Network;
- Fall prevention network for older persons: 4 Thematic Network;
- Large scale deployment of telehealth services for chronic conditions management: 3 Pilot A;
- Adoption, taking up and testing of standards and specifications for eHealth interoperability: 1 Thematic Network;
- Community building on Active and Healthy Ageing: 4 Thematic Network.
Tema 4 - Innovative government and public services
- Basic Cross Sector Services: 1 Pilot A;
- Extension of eCODEX (on eJustice): 1 Pilot A;
- Extension of HeERO (on eCall): 1 Pilot A;
Tema 5 - Trusted eServices and other actions
- Cybersecurity: 2 Pilot B, 1 Thematic Network;
- Mobile cloud for business applications: 11 Pilot B;
- Contribution of satellite systems to 100% EU broadband coverage: 2 Thematic Network.
ICT Policy Support Programme
Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP)
CIP-ICT PSP-2012-6: ICT Policy Support Programme - Bando 2012