Preparatory Action - Call for proposals "A European public sphere: a new online media offer for young Europeans" (Call CNECT/2024/8528264). Objectives For the fifth time, the European Commission will support the production of daily, thought-provoking and trustworthy content on current affairs from across Europe for and by young Europeans. The action aims to engage with young Europeans by creating curated online spaces that gather thought-provoking journalistic content around current affairs, empowering them to compare and contrast national, regional and local perspectives from across Europe, discuss and discover how their interests link to interests of young Europeans in other Member States, and to relevant EU initiatives. The aim is to address topics of pan-European relevance, and create an open, true, informed and constructive debate about recent and future life in Europe among young Europeans, using innovative formats on digital platforms, with the ultimate goal of creating greater awareness about European visions and realities, European values, ideas and decision-making processes so that they subsequently contribute to a more active civil society. Eligibility In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must: be legal entities (public or private bodies) be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.: EU...

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