Horizon 2020 - sfida sociale 2, Work programme 2016-2017

|In Evidenza|14 ottobre 2015

Horizon 2020

Ammonta a oltre 774 milioni di euro il budget del programma di lavoro 2016-2017 della seconda sfida sociale di Horizon 2020

La Commissione Ue ha pubblicato il programma di lavoro 2016-2017 della sfida sociale 2 di Horizon 2020, Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy.

Obiettivo generale del programma di lavoro è sostenere l’Europa su diversi fronti: sicurezza alimentare, crescita sostenibile e bioeconomia.

Tra gli strumenti previsti dal work programme ci sono 4 inviti a presentare proposte (call), articolati in diversi temi (topic):

1. Call - Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and resource-efficient value chains

More resilient and resource efficient value chains

  • SFS-01-2016: Solutions to multiple and combined stresses in crop production
  • SFS-02-2016: Teaming up for good: Exploiting the benefits of species diversity in cropping systems
  • SFS-03-2016: Testing and breeding for sustainability and resilience in crops
  • SFS-04-2017: New partnerships and tools to enhance European capacities for in-situ conservation
  • SFS-05-2017: Robotics Advances for Precision Farming
  • SFS-06-2016: Weeding - strategies, tools and technologies for sustainable weed management SFS-07-2016-2017: Organic breeding – Increasing the competitiveness of the organic breeding and farming sectors
  • SFS-08-2017: Organic inputs – contentious inputs in organic farming.
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