Green Deal: la Commissione prepara un nuovo meccanismo pilota per il mercato europeo dell'idrogeno

|Approfondimenti|04 giugno 2024

Photo on Gerd Altmann on PixabayThe Commission has decided to take further measures to support the development of the European hydrogen market, through the launch of a new pilot mechanism. “Hydrogen - explains the EU Executive - will play an important role in achieving the objectives of the Green Deal, in the gradual elimination of fossil fuels (particularly those of Russian origin) and in supporting the decarbonisation and competitiveness of industry European". The point on the European hydrogen market, on the strategies and investments in progress and on the cooperation between the EU and third countries, such as Japan, in the hydrogen field.

Fit for 55: the Council approves the package for the gas and hydrogen market

The Commission's new pilot mechanism for the hydrogen market

Among the initiatives to  support the development of the European hydrogen market , the European Commission has decided to launch a “ pilot mechanism ”, under the   recently adopted  Decarbonised Gases and Hydrogen Package , which aims to accelerate investments  by providing a clearer picture of the market situation from both the point of view of buyers and suppliers and facilitating contacts between them.

The new mechanism, which will be operational for five years and will be part of the 

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