Azione Preparatoria sulla ricerca per difesa (Preparatory Action on Defence Research – PADR). Sono stati prorogati alle ore 17.00 (ora locale di Bruxelles) del 28 settembre 2017 i termini dei topic PADR-STF-2017 e PADR-FPSS-2017. Nell'ambito del PADR sono previste 3 call: Technological demonstrator for enhanced situational awareness in a naval environment; Force protection and advanced soldier systems beyond current programmes; The European Defence Research Runway. Possono partecipare all'invito i soggetti giuridici aventi sede: nei 28 Stati membri; Paesi e territori d'oltremare; Norvegia. ___________ TECHNOLOGICAL DEMONSTRATOR FOR ENHANCED SITUATIONAL AWARENESS IN A NAVAL ENVIRONMENT - PADR-US-01-2017 This topic calls for proposals that convincingly remove technological obstacles, and combine innovation and integration, in order to demonstrate that situational awareness in a naval environment can be significantly improved. In this context, technology demonstrations in two types of operational situations should are prioritised: Persistent Wide Area Surveillance and Maritime Interdiction Operations. More specifically, proposals should balance R&T efforts in the following two areas: a) Integration in naval systems of close-to-market new or improved existing platforms demonstrator with improved sensors capacity, persistence and autonomy; b) Demonstration of integration of data from multiple sources in a single predefined tactical picture. Budget 2017: 15,5 EUR million...