EU: Blue Economy SME Window call 2019

21 aprile 2020|
This is a call for proposals for EU action grants for SMEs in the area of Blue Economy under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. The jury evaluation week for step 2 of the BEW call 2019 will take place at the planned dates of 11-15 May 2020. However, following the exceptional circumstances caused by the COVID-19 outbreak and the respective restriction measures taken, the evaluation will be carried out remotely. Applicants to be invited to step 2 of the evaluation procedure will receive an invitation letter with relevant info as soon as possible. The objectives of this call for proposals are to: a) Help innovative technologies and/or maritime services improve their market readiness and advance towards market entry b) Facilitate scaling up business models and service concepts c) De-risk investment in these projects to facilitate their access to other financing schemes for the next stages of their activities. In order to achieve the objectives above, proposals should: contribute towards the establishment of a product and/or service in the blue economy and contribute to one or more EU political objectives including lower greenhouse gas emissions, a more circular economy, energy security, adaptation to climate change, inclusion of coastal communities,...
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