L'invito sollecita proposte nell'ambito del programma specifico «Cooperazione»: area Ambiente (ivi compresi i cambiamenti climatici). Settori oggetto dell’invito (Topics called): ACTIVITY 6.1. CLIMATE CHANGE, POLLUTION AND RISKS Sub-activity 6.1.1. Pressures on environment and climate (EUR 42 million) 1.1.1. ENV.2008. Sea-Level Rise: Trends in contributions from continental ice, processes and links to climate change; 1.1.2. ENV.2008. Climate-chemistry interactions in the stratosphere related to ozone depletion; 1.1.3. ENV.2008. Impacts of climate variability, extreme events and increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations on terrestrial carbon storage, exchange flows and soil carbon dynamics; 1.1.4. ENV.2008. New components in Earth System modelling for better climate projections 1.1.5. ENV.2008. Addressing deforestation in tropical areas: greenhouse gas emissions, socioeconomic drivers and impacts, and policy options for emissions reduction; 1.1.5. ENV.2008. Climate change impacts and Thresholds on Arctic Ocean systems 1.1.6. ENV.2008. Impacts of Himalayan glaciers retreat and monsoon pattern change on the water resources in Northern India, and adaptation strategies; 1.1.6. ENV.2008. Implications and risks of novel options to limit climate change; 1.1.6. ENV.2008. Multiple pathways analysis of emerging economies in a post-Kyoto regime; Sub-activity 6.1.2. Environment and Health (EUR 20 million) 1.2.1. ENV.2008. Health impacts of exposure to radiofrequency fields in childhood and adolescence; 1.2.1. ENV.2008. Comparison...

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