Lo strumento fa parte del programma EURATOM del 7° Programma Quadro di Ricerca. Settori oggetto dell'invito (Topics called) Management of Radioactive Waste: Fission-1 Geological disposal: Fission-2008-1.1.1: Gas generation and transport in support of performance assessment; Fission-2008-1.1.2: Strategies and technologies for repository monitoring; Fission-2008-1.1.3: Long-term performance of Engineered Barrier Systems (EBS); Fission-2008-1.1.4: Consensus views on scientific/technical knowledge for the safety case of geological repositories; Partitioning and transmutation: Fission-2008-1.2.1: Establishment of a Central Design team (CDT) for a fastspectrum transmutation device; Fission-2008-1.2.2: Transmutation fuels and targets and their reprocessing Reactor Systems: Fission-2 Nuclear installationsafety: Fission-2008-2.1.1: Sustainable integration of European research on severe accident phenomenology and management; Fission-2008-2.1.2: Numerical coupling of safety-relevant phenomena; Fission-2008-2.1.3: Prediction of irradiation effects on reactor pressure vessel, internals and/or claddings using multi-scale simulation tools; Fission-2008-2.1.4: Structural integrity assessment for safety and lifetime management of the Reactor Coolant System piping and components (other than the Pressure Vessel); Fission-2008-2.1.5: Risk-informed methodologies for Plant Life Management; Advanced nuclear systems: Fission-2008-2.2.1: Innovative reactor systems; Radiation Protection: Fission-3 Quantification of risks for low and protracted exposures: Fission-2008-3.1.1: Databases and tissue banks; Medical uses of radiation: Fission-2008-3.2.1: The risk of early and late health effects from the use of radiation therapy; Emergency management...
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PNRR: Il sistema di gestione e controllo, focus su ammissibilità della spesa e rendicontazione
La componente tecnica nei progetti finanziati con Fondi UE
ReGiS: Il sistema unico di monitoraggio e rendicontazione dei progetti PNRRv