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FASI - Funding Aid Strategies Investments

FP7-SST-2008-RTD-1- Cooperazione - Trasporti (compresa l’aeronautica)

12 ottobre 2009
€ 102.220.000

Lo strumento fa parte del programma Cooperation del 7° Programma Quadro di Ricerca e finanzia progetti di sviluppo tecnologico nel settore dei trasporti.

Settori oggetto dell'invito (Topics called)
Activity/ Area:

  1. The greening of surface transport
    • The greening of products and operations;
    • Environment-friendly and efficient industrial processes;
  2. Encouraging modal shift and decogesting transport corridors
    • Logistics and intermodal transport;
    • Interoperability and Safety;
    • Traffic and information management;
  3. Ensuring sustainable urban mobility
    • New transport and mobility concepts;
  4. Improving safety and security
    • In