PRIMA is a long-term European partnership aiming to foster joint research and innovation approaches among Mediterranean countries to improve water availability, sustainable agriculture, and food production in a region heavily distressed by climate change, urbanisation, and population growth. PRIMA aims to support the transition towards greener, more inclusive, healthier Mediterranean societies’ transformation, stretching the EU Green Deal to South Mediterranean countries. Topics for Section 1 (27.900.000 EUR) Thematic Area 1-Water management in the Nexus Topic 1.1.1-2024 (IA) Sustainability of Mediterranean irrigated agriculture through the implementation of the WEFE Nexus approach Thematic Area 2-Farming systems in the Nexus Topic 1.2.1-2024 (IA) Transformative Adaptation of Mediterranean dry farming systems using water harvesting techniques to address extreme drought in arid and semi-arid environments Thematic Area 3-Food value chain in the Nexus Topic 1.3.1 (IA) Developing cost-effective and sustainable technologies adapted to Mediterranean Food Systems to decrease food loss and waste. Opening of the submission: 25 January 2024 Closing date for submission: Stage 1: 2 April 2024 Stage 2: 24 September 2024 Topics for Section 2 (Multitopics - 34.780.000 EUR) Thematic Area 1-Water management in the Nexus Topic 2.1.1-2024 (RIA) Effective water accounting approaches under crisis conditions: climate change and external shocks Thematic...
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