Sri Lanka - procurement of hydroelectric plant

|Investments|15 January 2019

Bando centrale idroelettrica Sri LankaThe assignment concerns the procurement of a hydroelectric plant in Sri Lanka within a program to develop green power and improve energy efficiency.

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The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka has received financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) toward the cost of an imvestment program for green power development and energy efficiency improvement. Part of this financing will be used for payments under a procurement contract.

In this context, the Ceylon Electricity Board, the largest electricity company in Sri Lanka with a market share of nearly 100%, invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the procurement of Moragolla hydropower plant  Lot B, which shall be undertaken as a single contract and shall cover all engineering, detailed design, manufacture, supply, testing before shipment, installation, commissioning of the following items:

  • Hydromechanical Facilities.
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