The Internal Security Fund 2021-2027 (ISF) intends to guarantee a common area of security, freedom and justice within the European borders.
The overall objective of the Fund is to help ensure a high level of security in the Union, in particular by preventing and combating terrorism and radicalization, serious and organized crime and cybercrime, by providing assistance and protection to victims of crime, as well as preparing for security incidents, risks and crises falling within the scope of this Regulation, protecting themselves from them and managing them effectively.
The specific objectives of the Fund are the following:
improve and facilitate the exchange of information between the competent authorities of the Member States, within them, and the relevant Union bodies and offices and, where appropriate, with third countries and international organizations;
intensify cross-border cooperation, including joint operations within and between the competent authorities of the Member States in relation to terrorism and serious crime and organized crime with a cross-border dimension;
support the strengthening of Member States' capacities to prevent and combat crime, terrorism and radicalization and to manage accidents, risks and security crises, including through enhanced cooperation between public authorities, relevant Union bodies and agencies, civil society and private partners in several Member States.
The following subjects are eligible:
a) the legal entities established:
in a Member State or an overseas country or territory connected to it;
in a Third Country listed in the work program;
b) legal entities established under Union law or international organizations relevant for the purposes of the Fund.
Legal entities established in a third country participate in a consortium consisting of at least two independent entities, of which at least one is established in a Member State. Natural persons are not eligible for Union funding....