CEF-T-2024-SUSTMOBGEN-EMS-WORKS: European Maritime Space / Short-sea shipping – works

12 February 2025|

The objective is to modernise maritime transport infrastructure on the TEN-T network.


Works projects aiming to alleviate congestion and/or to reduce the environmental impact of transport through cross-border short sea shipping links.

The projects must relate to:

  • The upgrade of port infrastructure, hinterland connections and dedicated terminals, where required to establish or expand such short sea shipping links with a focus on cross-border short sea shipping. Such projects must involve at least two TEN-T ports located in two different Member States. The share of investments between the ports should be reasonably balanced and result in the upgrading of the short sea shipping link(s).
  • It is strongly recommended that the cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of the project, if applicable, addresses the traffic demand of the maritime link(s) which is the subject of the project and not that of the involved maritime ports. Traffic forecast shall be substantiated by commitments from the relevant shipping operator(s), for continuation and/or establishment of the transport operations on the maritime link(s) which is the subject of the project.

    Port infrastructure required for the establishment or upgrade of the short sea shipping link(s) may include, amongst others:

    • Providing or improving inland waterways/rail access and connectivity with the port's hinterland e.g. through the
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