EuropeAid - consultancy on EU-Japan cooperation

|Investments|23 March 2016

In April EuropeAid will issue an invitation to tender for consulting services on EU-Japan cooperation in urban development and climate change.

Japan - Photo credit: Héctor de Pereda via / CC BY-NC

World Bank - Uganda, consultancy on communication infrastructure

EBRD - feasibility study in Kazakhstan

The aim of the project is to strengthen EU-Japan urban policy diplomacy and cooperation on sustainable urban development and climate change through a focus on sustainable energy.  

The project will promote, enable and assist the growth of decentralized cooperation in two areas:

  • sustainable urban development;
  • climate change building on the Covenant of Mayors initiative.

Linking up with the external dimension of the EU's strategy Europe 2020, the project includes within first component an element of promotion of EU business opportuni

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