EBRD - feasibility study in Kazakhstan

|Investments|14 March 2016

The EBRD seeks a consulting company to prepare a comprehensive feasibility study of a gas distribution project in Kazakhstan.

Consulting services - Pixabay

ADB - Georgia, audit of project financial statements

EuropeAid - IPA II, consultancy for accession of Montenegro to EU

Project description

The Government of Kazakhstan is aiming to expand the existing gas distribution networks to improve the living conditions of the population and incentivise business development in the country. To this end the Government has tasked the administration of Almaty Province (the most populated area of Kazakhstan) to implement a gasification programme in the municipalities to ensure reliable gas supply for the households throughout the area. 

To implement the municipal gasification programme and consequently operate its gas distribution network, the Province established a company in 2013. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is considering providing a senior loan to the mentioned company to co-finance an investment programme including:

  • high pressure networks and submain networks to be financed from the budget of the Almaty Oblast;
  • submain low pressure networks to be financed from the proceeds of the proposed EBRD loan.
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