CEF-DIG-2024-EUROQCI-WORKS: European Quantum Communication Infrastructure - The EuroQCI initiative - Works

16 January 2025|
Expected Impact:

The call aims to:

  • Enable reliable and resilient transmission of sensitive communications and data between public authorities, research organisations and critical infrastructures in Member States, including outermost regions and OCTs;
  • Boost Europe's capabilities in developing quantum-based secure optical communication networks and its capacity to protect critical public infrastructures by securing their communications and data, especially those that cross national borders and serve more than one Member State;
  • Promote quantum-based secure networks and the emergence of an ecosystem that would enable a large market uptake. This will ultimately support the growth of a pan-European quantum industry that would develop new, innovative systems and technologies critical for the EU's digital strategic autonomy.

The key performance indicators will be:

  • Number of cross-border quantum interconnections;
  • Number of optical ground stations deployed.

The expected result is to increase in the number of national QCI networks connected by cross-border terrestrial or satellite links and capable of demonstrating the viability of the EuroQCI as a whole. KPIs will be submitted in Application Form Part C (see Section 5. Admissibility and documents).


CEF Digital actions to co-fund the terrestrial backbone network components will be complementary to those developed through the Digital Europe Programme and will be focused on supporting cross-border

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