European Digital Connectivity Awards 2025. EU-wide competition. Guide for applicants. Objective The aim of this competition is to identify and award good practices in planning, management and implementation of the digital connectivity networks (High Capacity and Very High Capacity Networks) in Europe, as well as to facilitate exchange of expertise among project promoters. The benefit for projects participating in this competition is a wide spread visibility and promotion as a good example for the Digital Connectivity community in Europe. Who can apply? All types of projects advanced in their implementation, irrespective of size, location, or technologies and whether they are led by public or private organisations, local, regional, national, cross-border or international are encouraged to apply. Target groups of the competition are public entities such as municipalities, regions and Member State administrations, communities as well as private actors such as network and service operators, utilities or other project promoters that are actively involved in rolling out high capacity and very high capacity network infrastructure. At least 50% of the project must be completed at the time of submitting the application. Projects with less than 50% of the project activities implemented, are not eligible to apply and will be excluded....