Expected Outcome:
The Cloud IPCEI Exploitation Office should provide at minima:
- Yearly activity management plans for the pre-notified IPCEI-CIS, including key project deliverables, milestones, risk mitigation measures and a description of roles and responsibilities in form of a RACI matrix. This should build on targeted and granular data collection among IPCEI individual and macro-projects in the context of the upcoming requirements under the Digital Compass and the Recovery and Resilience Facility.
- A dedicated Cloud IPCEI Exploitation Office website for dissemination purposes with wide reach and a collaborative platform accessible to both IPCEI and non IPCEI participants.
- A medium-term sustainability roadmap and governance strategy for the pre-notified IPCEI.
- Key events, meetings and summary reports of the General Assemblies, Board meetings and industrial sessions to be made accessible in the Cloud IPCEI Exploitation Office website.
- Build a dissemination and exploitation strategy, yearly social media campaigns and the corresponding content to support an active visibility and transparency of the pre-notified IPCEI-CIS activities and technological solutions first industrial deployed and their uptake across all interested stakeholders.
This action will support the overall coordination, monitoring, dissemination and long-term exploitation of the activities within the pre-notified Important Project of Common European Interest on Next Generation Cloud and Edge Infrastructure and Services (IPCEI-CIS)