Outcomes and Deliverables
- At least 4 large scale pilots to test the deployment of the European Digital Identity Wallet in priority use cases and regarding the once-only principle under the Single Digital Gateway regulation. These pilots will deploy the European Digital Identity Wallet in national eID ecosystems by Member States.
- Successful implementation of the revised eIDAS regulatory framework by public and private sector service providers (i.e. SMEs) to exchange digital identity credentials in several Member States.
The objective of the topic is to develop, implement and scale up the European Digital Identity framework, based on the revised eIDAS regulatory framework as well as the exchange of evidence as set out in article 14 the Single Digital Gateway Regulation. The broader objective of European Digital Identity is to improve citizen's access to highly trusted and secure electronic identity means and trust services such as digital signatures, improve citizens' possibilities to use them and improve their ability to control over sharing their personal identity data. Reaching these aims requires technical implementation work procured by the Commission in particular in the development phase as well as by organisations providing public and private online services in Member States. The topic aims to develop and