Open Call for Digital Innovation Hubs that are supporting the realisation of Innovation Experiments, mobilising the related stakeholders and facilitating the access to Competence Centre related services. Open call for projects that are proposing initiatives of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) that propose a thorough strategy to support the digital innovation in their region and facilitate the set-up and realisation of Innovation Experiments (IEs), equipped by own investments and supported by additional public and/or private funding. Besides the individual set up of IEs, it is considered of utmost importance that such supported initiatives: Validate the services offered by DIHs and Competence Centres (CCs) Facilitate experience exchange and critical mass of the European Network of DIHs and CCs. The funding that is provided by SmartAgriHubs is exclusively available for developing, maturing, and providing DIH innovation services. SmartAgriHubs considers DIHs as key stakeholders that should be attracted by this open call. They should propose projects to promote digital innovation in agri-food that will be realised in their own region or together with other regions. The proposed project shall result in a specific number of innovation experiments (IEs) directly enabled and supported by DIHs. Every supported IE shall realise a digital innovation in...
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