Open call for hackathon type of activities that will contribute to the RESTART of the European Agri-Food Economy with short and medium-term impact to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 crisis. Proposals shall realise potential opportunities that are addressing the effects of the CORONA COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of what digital innovation can contribute to mitigate consequences in the agri-food domain. Such activities can be specifically: Online & offline Hackathons Focused Challenges Datathons. Proposals can have a direct as well as indirect impact on the effects of the CORONA COVID-19 pandemic. The main objective is to generate ideas for potential Innovation Experiments that are contributing to a RESTART of the European agri-food economy in the scope of the CORONA COVID-19 crisis. Results of hackathon type of activities can be presented as conceptual implementations or also Minimum Viable Products that can serve as implementation baseline for a follow-up by the involved teams or by other third parties. The activities shall facilitate networking of organisations and individuals, aim at the mobilisation of talent. All results will be presented in detail via the SmartAgriHubs Innovation Portal. Activities shall be proposed by one or several Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) in accordance to...

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