L'invito sollecita proposte nell'ambito del programma specifico «Cooperazione». Settori oggetto dell’invito (Topics called) 1) Actions of a horizontal nature or not directly linked to Cooperation Themes A4.2.2.1 ERA-NET actions - Topic ERANET.2008.1: ERA-NET proposals of a horizontal nature (i.e. cutting across several themes in the Cooperation Specific Programme or Parts in Capacities), or not directly linked to Cooperation Themes; A4.2.2.2 ERA-NET Plus actions - Topic ERANET.2008.2: ERA-NET Plus proposals of a horizontal nature (i.e. cutting across several themes in the Cooperation Specific Programme or Parts in Capacities), or not directly linked to Cooperation Themes; A4.2.3.2 Conferences and other support actions - Topic ERANET.2008.4: support actions reviewing coordination and integration of research programmes being of a horizontal nature (i.e. cutting across several themes in the Cooperation Specific Programme or Parts in Capacities), or not directly linked to Cooperation Themes. 2) Overview of Activities and Topics which are part of the FP7-ERANET-2008 –RTD co-ordinated call 2. FOOD, AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES, AND BIOTECHNOLOGY - 2.1.4 - Socioeconomic research and support to policies: KBBE-2008 1.4.10 - Agriculture and sustainable development in a rural development context; - 4. NMP 4.2.6 Coordinated activities and international cooperation: NMP-2008 2.6-4 - ERA-NET Plus on Materials Research; - 4.4...
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