Invito a presentare proposte per supportare il dialogo sociale nell'Ue. L'invito promuove la realizzazione di attività di informazione, di scambio e azioni congiunte per affrontare le sfide odierne nel mercato del lavoro europeo. Gli interventi dovranno favorire il raggiungimento degli obiettivi previsti dalla strategia Europa 2020 e le iniziative faro relative. L'invito è rivolto a partner sociali attivi a livello europeo, nazionale e regionale. I progetti devono essere realizzati negli Stati membri o nei Paesi candidati. ____________ Objectives of this call include measures and initiatives related to the adaptation of social dialogue to changes in employment and work related challenges, such as addressing modernisation of the labour market, job creation and job matching, quality of work, anticipation, preparation and management of change and restructuring, digitalisation of the economy and society, the greening of the economy, flexicurity, skills, (intra-EU) labour mobility, migration, youth employment, health and safety at work, modernisation of social protection systems, reconciliation of work and family life, gender equality, action in the field of anti-discrimination, active ageing, healthier and longer working lives, active inclusion and decent work. Projects proposed jointly by employers' and workers' organisations which aim at implementing (parts of) the work programme of European social...