Invito a presentare proposte nell'ambito del partenariato pubblico-privato Bioindustrie (BBI) finalizzato all’uso di risorse naturali rinnovabili e di tecnologie innovative per ottenere prodotti di consumo più ecologici. L'invito finanzia i seguenti temi (topics): BBI-2016-D01: Improve sustainability of value chains based on forest biomass and increase productivity and profitability on supply side by adapting forests to climate changes BBI-2016-D02: Improvement and adaptation of industrial crop varieties and novel sources of biomass to diversify biomass feedstock for biorefineries BBI-2016-D03: Valorisation of lignin and other side-streams to increase efficiency of biorefineries and increase sustainability of the whole value chain BBI-2016-D04: New and optimised biorefinery approaches enabling the creation of local value chains in underdeveloped or unexploited areas BBI-2016-D05: Bio-based polymers/plastic materials with new functionalities for medical, construction, automotive and textile industries BBI-2016-D06: Valorisation of the organic content of Municipal Solid Waste and contributing to the renewable circular economy BBI-2016-D07: Optimise technical production routes to bio-based chemicals in bio- or chemo-catalytic processes BBI-2016-D08: New sources of proteins for animal feed from co-products to address the EU protein gap BBI-2016-D09: Biomass production on unused land for conversion into added-value products while ‘boosting rural and industrial development’ BBI-2016-F01: Valorisation of by-products or waste-streams from the...

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