07 gennaio 2014|
Bando del programma per la ricerca e l'innovazione Horizon 2020 dedicato al trasferimento tecnologico. Obiettivo del bando è favorire la conversione delle conoscenze scientifiche in prodotti e servizi commercializzabili. La lista completa dei paesi ammissibili ai finanziamenti Horizon è disponibile al link: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/doc/call/h2020/common/1587809-18._general_annexes_wp2014-2015_en.pdf. Argomento: CBTT-1-2014: Capacity-Building in Technology Transfer. Specific challenge: Many technology transfer (TT) offices in universities, research institutes and other public research organisations, as well as a significant number of newly established TT funds and institutions and regions aspiring to set up such funds, lack staff with appropriate practical training and enough professional experience to make a success of the TT process in bringing promising R&D results to market. Encouraging and where appropriate incentivising the more established and experienced funds and TT offices (TTOs) to share their expertise and best practices with their less experienced counterparts will help boost Europe's ability to turn scientific knowledge into new, commercialised products and services. In addition, bringing the more established TT funds into contact with each other will help foster more cross-border investments. Scope: Proposals should take account of a) the TT landscape, players and dynamics in the Member States and the countries associated with Horizon 2020 and b) the...
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