Bandi Smart Cities and Communities H2020-SCC-2014, H2020-SCC-2015 del programma per la ricerca e l'innovazione Horizon 2020. Il 10 dicembre 2014 sono stati aperti i termini per il bando 2015. I bandi Smart Cities and Communities si concentrano sul sostegno ai partenariati tra Comuni e industrie per proporre soluzioni in tre settori - energia, trasporti e ICT - che prevedano azioni per la distribuzione su larga scala delle soluzioni stesse. ______________ H2020-SCC-2014 Azioni SCC-02-2014 - Developing a framework for common, transparent data collection and performance measurement to allow comparability and replication between solutions and best-practice identification Scope: To develop a framework for common data and performance measurement collection system which should be open, transparent and allow comparability of solutions. It should consider KPI on energy, ICT and transport matters as well as joint indicators to measure possible rebound effects and systemic values. Work has to build on results from CONCERTO, CIVITAS, the Green Digital Charter as well as the ICT-PSP pilots and could embrace other initiatives as the Green Button of the DoE in the US and 'The Social Energy Collective' in the Netherlands. In addition to methodologies and tools proposals should establish a framework for cities' cooperation to exchange...

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