EUSPA: Cassini Challenge - myEUspace contest 2023

09 ottobre 2023|
Terms of Reference "myEUspace contest 2023" - part of the CASSINI initiative. Update: Posponed deadline - Update 24 November 2023 Objectives The objective of this prize contest is to support the development of innovative commercial solutions - such as mobile apps or hardware-based solutions for example wearables, asset management and tracking solutions, robotics etc.- that are leveraging EU Space programmes Galileo and/or Copernicus. Galileo provides improved navigation, positioning and timing information whereas Copernicus delivers near-real-time earth observation data on a global level to help us better understand our planet and sustainably manage the environment we live in. The proposed solutions shall make use of the EU space data (i.e. Galileo and Copernicus) and promote synergies among them. Synergies with other non-space, deep technologies may also be used in the proposed solutions. Proposals should deliver new innovative applications, with commercial and social benefits, impact and a clear market uptake. Actions The proposed solutions shall prove the investment of operational resources (human, technical and other) and address one of the three following Challenges: Next Generation Challenge: EU space data stands as a beacon of innovation, heralding a brighter future for the next generations. With its ability to capture, analyse, and disseminate...
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