Multimedia Actions - Call for proposals "EU digital reporting" (Call CNECT/2024/4465592). Objectives The call “EU digital reporting” aims to provide citizens with a wide choice of online news content, leveraging Europe’s diversity as an asset for democracy and pluralism. The call targets news media organisations and organisations active in the media domain to help them prepare and present digital news content on EU affairs in as many languages and Member States as possible, and potentially on a pan-EU basis. The call has the objective to support media players in: (a) Establishing and/or developing online news platforms across the EU. (b) Enhancing EU citizens’ access to reliable digital information, in particular about EU affairs. Applicants are invited to develop digital news offerings, using innovative editorial formats and dissemination strategies, focusing on the EU and its Member States. They must adhere to European editorial standards, use shared pan-European branding, content offers and outreach, encourage discoverability of diverse opinions and facilitate debates on key topics affecting European citizens. As a result, audiences should have continuous access to information produced under high journalistic standards and from European perspectives. Projects must reach as many EU citizens as possible and ensure maximum visibility to the...
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