ADB - Philippines, consultancy for PPP projects in infrastructure sector

|Investments|19 October 2016

A group of independent consultants is required for the development of public-private partnerships (PPP) in Philippines.

Manila - Author Patrick Roque

ADB - Nepal, consultancy for energy project supervision

World Bank - MOS, worldwide business opportunities

The Government of the Philippines has requested the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to provide technical assistance to further improve the national government capacity to undertake public-private partnership (PPP) projects and increase private sector participation in infrastructure investment.

The technical assistance is aligned with the Philippine Development Plan 2011- 2016 and will contribute to meeting the targeted investment rate, including public and private spending in infrastructure. The outcome will be improved national government capacity to undertake PPP projects. The TA will achieve its outcome through four outputs:

  • capacity of national government PPP implementing agencies strengthened;
  • performance of the Public-Private Partnership Center of the Philippines (“PPP Center”) and other national government agencies enhanced;
  • long-term infrastructure financing mechanisms and tools developed;
  • well-structured bankable national PPP projects developed and implemented.
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