ADB - Nepal, consultancy for energy project supervision

|Investments|28 September 2016

The consultants will help Nepal Energy Authority supervise the implementation of a power efficiency enhancement project.

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Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) is the Executing Agency for the project “Power Transmission and Distribution Efficiency Enhancement“, co-funded by the Asian development bank. The engineering design, supply of plants and equipment, construction, installation, testing and commissioning of transmission lines and associated substations, communications and protection facilities for all subprojects of the project will be completed through contracts awarded to contractors following ADB’s Procurement Guidelines.

In this context, the Authority  seeks to engage a team of project supervision consultants to supervise and implement the project. In addition, the team shall also study and analyse the current status of the distribution networks in major urban centers other than Kathmandu valley and prepare and recommend the reinforcement plan for distribution networks.

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