Clean Industrial Deal: the proposal the Commission is considering

|Strategies|19 February 2025

Photographer: Mauro Bottaro, Photo credit: European Union, 2018 - EC - Audiovisual ServiceThe draft of the Clean Industrial Deal, the Pact for Clean Industry that the European Commission will officially present on February 26, is currently circulating. The document represents the EU Executive's roadmap for the next five years for the competitiveness and decarbonization of the Union's industry. Here is what it entails. 

Competitiveness Compass: Innovation, Sustainability, Security at the Heart of the Competitiveness Compass

The Clean Industrial Deal is the "new" Green Deal of the European Commission aimed at promoting the green transition of the European industrial base, while making Europe an attractive location for manufacturing. Specifically, the Pact for Clean Industry is one of the pillars of the Competitiveness Compass presented by the Commission on January 29, a European strategy (based on the Draghi Report) aimed at making the economic model more sustainable, without compromising the competitiveness of the EU industry and, indeed, aiming to bridge the European innovation gap with global powers like China and the United States. 

At the heart of the Clean Industrial Deal, two sectors in particular: energy-intensive industries, which need urgent support to tackle high energy costs, unfair competition, and complex regulation; the clean technology sector, which is a key factor in industrial transformation, competitiveness, and resilience.

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