Expected Impact:Repurposing of formerly operating coal and lignite mines or those in the process of closure and coal-related infrastructure including power supply services. Materials and waste reuse, and development of alternative materials, including recovery of critical raw materials. Land monitoring, modelling, stabilisation and/or restoration. Processing of methane emissions. Monitoring, management and/or treatment of mine water and water tables in coal mines in the process of ...
Project results are expected to contribute to all the following impacts:
- Contribute to achieving the European Green Deal goals.
- Demonstrate overall positive environmental and, if relevant, health and safety impact of the technology and/or the approach pursued.
Project results are expected to contribute to all the following outcomes:
- Contribute to the ambitious targets of the European Green Deal.
- Outline a continuation plan for technology scalability and greater expansion, ultimately linked to a viable business case.
- Provide high visibility dissemination of lessons learnt and continue to contribute to the development of skills and creation/conversion of jobs.
The RFCS Research Programme (Council Decision (EU) 2021/1094) has the following research objectives for the coal sector:
- supporting the just transition of the coal sector and regions (Article 4).
- improving health and safety (Article 5).
- minimising the environmental impacts of coal mines in transition (Article 6).
The call objectives are: