RFCS-2025-CSP: RFCS-2025-CSP-Big Tickets for Steel

04 February 2025|
Expected Impact:

Project results are expected to contribute to the following impact:

  • Contribute to the ambitious targets of the European Green Deal and the set of European Commission policy guidelines applicable to the steel industry for full decarbonisation of the steel sector.
Expected Outcome:

Project results are expected to contribute to all the following outcomes:

  • Contribute and clearly quantify the CO2 reduction achieved in the steel sector or in the target group.
  • Make it technically and economically feasible for novel technologies and processes to produce the same products as current industrial processes, as demonstrated and validated at suitable scale.
  • Demonstrate overall positive environmental and, if relevant, health and safety effects of the technology and/or the approach pursued.
  • Outline a plan for technology scalability and greater expansion, ultimately linked to a viable business case.
  • Provide high visibility dissemination of lessons learnt and continue to contribute to the development of skills and creation/conversion of jobs.

The RFCS Research Programme (Council Decision (EU) 2021/1094) has the following research objectives for the steel sector:

  • new, sustainable and low-carbon steelmaking and finishing processes (Article 8).
  • advanced steel grades and applications (Article 9).
  • conservation of resources, protection of the environment and circular economy (Article 10).
  • management of work force and working conditions (Article 10a).

The call objectives

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