RAPTOR 2025 Open Call Aim of the Call Rapid Applications for Transport (RAPTOR) is a challenge-based, city-driven agile innovation programme created and managed by EIT Urban Mobility’s Innovation Thematic Area. RAPTOR identifies cities’ urban mobility challenges and holds a competition to select the best solutions presented by startups and SMEs. It then supports a period for the development of solutions, which results in an in-situ demonstration lasting a minimum of two weeks. To meet the general fit requirements of the RAPTOR Call, proposals must comply with all of the following conditions: a) They must develop their solution to overcome the City Challenge between June and November 2025. b) They must conduct an in-situ demonstration of the solution for a minimum of two weeks by 30 November 2025. c) They must implement comprehensive testing and ensure full usage of the product, service or solution with the city within the project implementation period. d) They should not have received funding from EIT Urban Mobility for development of the same product. e) They must have an existing track record of product development, innovation and sales.f) This track record must have led to increased revenue and turnover. Each city has issued a City...