To significantly advance the following development actions:
- IR-2-01: Complete development of successor(s) to VHF datalink mode 2 (VDL2): L-band digital aeronautical communications system (LDACS), hyper-connected ATM, and satellite communications covering civil-military dual use.
- IR-2-02: Aircraft as a sensor, including transmission of humidity information to ground, etc.
This includes advancing the capabilities of the following systems:
- Airborne systems: aircraft sensors.
- Air-ground systems: air-ground communication links.
The following list of R&I needs is proposed as an illustration of the potential project content, but it is not meant as prescriptive. Proposals may include other research elements beyond the proposed research elements below if they are justified by their contribution to achieve the expected outcomes of the topic and are fully aligned with the development priorities defined in the European ATM Master Plan.
- Hyper Connected ATM
Research aims at completing the delivery of hyper-connectivity solutions that allow the use of non-safety-approved commercial public air-ground communication links and networks (e.g., 5G mobile networks, commercial Ku/Ka-band satellite communication, etc.) as a complement to legacy safety links, whilst meeting the required safety, security, and performance standards for safety-related air-ground communications. The proposed solution will leverage state of the art "at hand" commercial radio infrastructure already deployed to serve in-flight connectivity for