ERASMUS-EDU-2024-PEX-TEACH-ACA: Erasmus+ Teacher Academies

22 January 2025|


The 2019 Council Resolution on further developing the European Education Area1 invites the Commission to "Develop new means to train and support competent, motivated and highly qualified teachers, trainers, early childhood education and care (ECEC) staff, school leaders and other staff, and promote their continuous professional development and high-quality, research-based teacher education".

The Council Conclusions on European Teacher and Trainers for the Future of May 20202 reiterate the role of teachers as cornerstones of the European Education Area and call for further support to teachers' career and competence development as well as well-being at all stages of their careers. The Conclusions stress the benefits of mobility of teachers and the need of embedding mobility as part of teachers' initial and continuous education. Moreover, the Conclusions invite the Commission to support closer cooperation between teacher education providers within the continuum of teachers' professional development.

The 2020 Commission's Communication on Achieving the European Education Area by 20253 recognises the key role of teachers and trainers and sets the vision of having highly competent and motivated educators who can benefit from a range of support and professional development opportunities throughout their varied careers. It proposes a number of actions

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