ERASMUS-EDU-2025-PEX-TEACH-ACA: Erasmus+ Teacher Academies

03 February 2025|

Erasmus+ Teacher Academies

The Erasmus+ Teacher Academies aim to facilitate networking, knowledge sharing, mobility and provide teachers and trainers with learning opportunities at all phases of teachers' and trainers' careers by promoting close cooperation between organisations active in initial and continuing teacher education and training, complement other work done in achieving the Education Area, and help transfer the results to national and regional policy making and eventually to teacher education and support for schools.

They are to build on the innovations and effective practice that exists within national teacher education and European cooperation and develop them further. Specific attention is to be paid to dissemination and exploitation of effective practice across countries and teacher education providers, and to ensuring feedback and impact also at policy level.


The overall objective of this action is to create European partnerships of teacher[1]education institutions and training providers to set up Teacher Academies that will develop a European and international outlook in teacher education.

These Academies aim to develop teacher education in line with the EU's priorities in education policy and contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the European Education Area. The action focusses on networking, mobility and innovative methods, and will

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