Expected Outcome:
Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:
- Assess the state of nuclear data libraries and computer simulation tools to advise on strategic actions in order to preserve and develop Euratom capacities;
- Provide reliable nuclear data for neutron or charged particles induced reactions cross-sections, decay and structure data, and computer simulation tools for different nuclear energy and non-energy applications, mainly applied to the fields of fission and fusion safety, radiation protection, waste management, innovative nuclear systems and sustainable fuel cycles;
- Support access to key experimental infrastructures that address specific measurement capabilities and methodologies to preserve know-how in computer applications, nuclear data evaluation, validation of data and models, and to improve education & training and knowledge sharing.
Nuclear data are critical inputs - and a major source of uncertainty - in predictive modelling and simulations of energy and non-energy applications. The combination of high-power computing capabilities with the availability of advanced simulation models (and related data libraries) and more accurate nuclear data measurements enable nuclear data evaluation programmes. The evaluated nuclear data libraries are a combination of:
- experimental measurements of the interactions of interest and estimation of their uncertainties and (cross-)correlations;
- the evaluation of available experimental data and the creation