What are European Digital Infrastructure Consortia (EDIC) and how do they work?

|Focus|27 February 2025

EDIC - Photo by Shubham Dhage on UnsplashEurope continues to accelerate efforts to strengthen international cooperation in artificial intelligence. From the announcement of the launch in early 2024 to the official establishment, we analyze the main features of the first consortia for a European digital infrastructure and future evolution prospects.

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Supported by the European Office for Artificial Intelligence, the European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDIC) is a fundamental component of the package of measures to promote the development of European startups and SMEs in the AI sector, promoted by the European Commission at the beginning of last year.

Throughout 2024, EU member states and the European Commission have worked together to establish three consortia for a European digital infrastructure, focused on various themes - from language technologies to smart cities - related to competitiveness and digital transition.

What is a European Digital Infrastructure Consortium?

The European Digital Infrastructure Consortium is a tool that fits into the broader framework of the Digital Decade 2030 strategic program as a strategy to accelerate and simplify the setup and implementation of 'multi-country projects', i.e., large-scale initiatives involving collaboration between multiple member states to build digital capacities in areas ranging from 5G to high-performance computing.

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