Today, October 22, marks the opening of a new round of calls related to the digital section of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) aimed at improving European digital connectivity infrastructure. A total of 323 million euros is available for the development of 5G connections, backbone networks, and quantum communications.
This is the first tranche of calls planned under the second CEF Digital work programme, which allocates over 865 million euros for the period 2024-2027 to implement digital infrastructure across the EU.
Here is an overview of the contents of the new round of call for proposals opened today, with details on beneficiaries, eligible interventions, and timelines for participation.
CEF Digital: How to Participate in the First Tranche of Calls 2024
As previously mentioned in the introduction, the total resources allocated for the new CEF Digital calls amount to 323 million euros, divided among three calls:
- 5G Large scale pilots, with a budget of 105 million euros for studies and works;
- Backbone connectivity for Digital Global Gateways, with 128 million euros for studies and works;
- Quantum Communication Infrastructure - The EuroQCI initiative, with a budget of 90 million euros.