Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital 2024-2027: €865 Million for 5G, Quantum Networks, and Digital Infrastructure

|In Evidence|10 October 2024

CEF Digital WP 24-27 - Photo by Conny Schneider on UnsplashThe European Commission has adopted the second work programme for the digital section of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) which outlines the objectives and interventions aimed at improving European digital connectivity infrastructures. Available for the 2024-2027 period is a budget of approximately 865 million euros.

The purpose of the Connecting Europe Facility for the digital sector (CEF Digital) is to contribute to the definition of projects of common interest aimed at the development of secure, protected, sustainable, and very high capacity digital networks, the increase of the capacity of digital backbone networks across all EU territories, as well as the digitalization of transport and energy networks.

To achieve these objectives, the 2024-2027 work programme allocates a substantial budget of 865.67 million euros, to be disbursed through specific calls for proposals and, to a lesser extent, procurement.

CEF Digital, the contents of the WP 2024-2027

The WP 2024-2027 of CEF D

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