Partner meetings: Civil Society Dialogue meeting on EU trade policy and economic security with DG Sabine Weyand
Sabine Weyand, the Commission's Director-General for Trade and Economic Security, will discuss with civil society organisations current trends and prospects for EU trade policy and economic security in today's geopolitical environment.
Event Details
Date: 07/04/2025, 11:00-13:00
Location: Sicco Mansholt meeting room, Charlemagne Building, Brussels
- Presentation by Sabine Weyand
- Open discussion with stakeholders
This is a hybrid meeting. We would be grateful if participants could arrive 30 minutes in advance. There will be a welcome desk in the lobby of the Charlemagne building where IDs will be checked for security clearance and identification badges will be handed out.
Please bring with you the confirmation of your V-pass and an ID card or passport. The Webex link will be sent to registered participants. We would be grateful if participants could launch their Webex connection at least 30 minutes in advance of the meeting so that any technical problems can be addressed before the meeting begins.
Reimbursement of Travel Expenses
If you are based outside Brussels and you wish to participate in person, upon registration you can ask to have your return travel costs covered from the city in which your organisation is based.
Practical Information
When: Monday 7 April 2025, 11:00 - 13:00 (CEST)
Where: Charlemagne building, Rue de la Loi 170, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Live streaming: Starts on Monday 7 April 2025, 11:00 (CEST)
Who Should Attend
Interested stakeholders
Directorate-General for Trade and Economic Security
Part of EU trade meetings with Civil Society
Sabine Weyand, the Commission's Director-General for Trade and Economic Security, will present recent trends and prospects for EU trade policy and economic security in the current geo-political environment, and give the opportunity to civil society organisations to share their views and questions.