The Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund - AMIF was created to foster the efficient management of migration flows and to encourage the implementation, strengthening, and development of a unified EU approach to migration, with a 9.882 billion euro budget for the 2021-2027 period. The Fund aims to boost national capacities further improve migration management procedures, and enhance solidarity and responsibility sharing between Member States, particularly through emergency assistance and the relocation mechanism.
AMIF aims to attain four distinct goals:
Strengthening and advancing the entire common European asylum system, encompassing its external dimension.
Facilitating legal migration to Member States and aiding in the integration of third-country nationals.
Combating irregular migration, ensuring the effectiveness of return and readmission procedures in third countries.
Fostering solidarity and responsibility sharing among Member States, particularly towards those facing significant challenges related to migration and asylum.
Building upon the implementation of the 2014-2020 multi-annual financial framework, the Fund will enhance flexibility by allocating a portion of the funding to a Thematic Facility. This mechanism allows for funds to be directed toward emerging or unforeseen needs, aligning with evolving EU priorities and challenges.
During the programming period, funding under the Thematic Facility will be distributed through various channels:
Shared management, covering resettlement, humanitarian admission, and transfers of beneficiaries/applicants for international protection.
Direct management, encompassing Union Actions, Emergency Assistance, and support for local and regional authorities in integration.
Indirect management, involving Union Actions and Emergency Assistance facilitated through international organizations.
Union Actions include Calls for Proposals, procurement, direct awards, and delegation agreements.
Entities eligible for AMIF funds can be:
State and federal authorities;
NGOs and humanitarian organizations;
Local public bodies;
Private and public law companies;
Education and research organizations.
Every EU Member State is eligible for AMIF funds, including Ireland. Denmark is not taking part in AMIF....