After the success of the 2021 edition, the Call MSCA for Researchers at Risk - dedicated to those scholars and scientists that live in dangerous conditions - is coming back next autumn.
Beside the five actions of the MSCA 2024 work programme (Doctoral Networks, Postdoctoral Fellowships, staff exchanges, Cofund and Citizens), MSCA foresees also some “interventions” which support in particular European and national initiatives and programmes aiming to enhance and professionalize researchers at risk’s activities. This is the case with the HORIZON Coordination and Support Action HORIZON-MSCA-2024-RR-01.
Who are researchers at risk?
Researchers at risk include researchers, scholars and scientists at all stages of their careers who are experiencing threats to their life, liberty or research career, and those who are forced to flee or have been displaced because of such threats.
Some researchers at risk have recognised refugee status, asylum status, or similar protection status.
However, a more significant proportion of those seeking the assistance of NGOs specializing in the field of scholar protection are outside the refugee process, seeking or holding temporary visas/work permits through visiting research/scholar positions at host institutions in Europe or elsewhere, outside their home countries.
The single-stage call is planned to open on 12 September 2024 and will close on 14 January 2025 17:00:00 Brussels time. The project will last for 36 months and will have a 1.5 million euros budget for funding.
The support action should be aligned with the general objectives of the MSCA, in particular scientific excellence, skills and career development, inter-sectoral mobility, equal opportunities and inclusiveness, attractive working conditions, work/life balance, while fostering open science, innovation and entrepreneurship. It should not duplicate other actions foreseen under Horizon Europe or other EU-funded programmes such as Erasmus+, but rather build synergies between these programmes. The activities carried out under this support action should complement actions in Member States and third countries associated to Horizon Europe.