Bioeconomy: in April the new calls of the Circular Bio-based Europe JU

|Focus|29 February 2024

Photocredit: Chokniti Khongchum from PixabayAt the beginning of April, a new round of calls from the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertakings (CBE JU) will open, a partnership funded by Horizon Europe and industry sectors to promote research, innovation, and development of new bio-based technologies and solutions in Europe.

The contours of the new CBE JU call and its priorities are dictated by the 2025 Work Program of the partnership, recently published, which - following the pattern of last year - also indicates the budget of the call, the topics provided, and their allocation among the types of actions that can be funded. 

In this way, companies, universities, and research centers have the opportunity to start creating the necessary transnational partnerships for the submission of project proposals for which they aim to request CBE JU funding.

What is the bioeconomy and why is it so important for Europe's growth

Replacing fossil fuel-based materials and products with those derived from biomass.

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