ERC Starting Grants: 628 million euros to help bright minds

|News|07 September 2023

ERC Starting Grants: 628 million euros to help bright mindsThe European Research Council (ECR) selected for the Starting Grants project 400 bright minds: young students and scientists operating across all Europe at the beginning of their careers that will receive a total of 628 million euros in funding to launch their own projects. 

ERC Grant Proposals: what to expect in 2024

The European Union awarded young researchers active in different fields, from medicine and physics to social sciences and humanities, thanks to this programme. Starting Grants may award up to 1.5 million euros for a period of 5 years for a single project, plus an additional 1 million euros that are available to cover eligible “start-up” costs for: 

  • researchers moving from a third country to the EU or an associated country 
  • the purchase of major equipment 
  • access to large facilities 
  • other major experimental and field work costs 

ERC Starting Grants 2023

A special feature of this latest funding round dedicated to young researchers at the start of their careers sees the highest number of women fund winners to date: 43%, compared to 39% in 2022, noted ERC president Maria Leptin. 

"It is part of our mission" she added, "to give talents who are at the beginning of their careers the independence to pursue their curiosity-driven research that will shape our future”. 

The winners of the call will carry out their projects at universities and research centres in 24 European countries, with the largest number of projects hosted in Germany (87 grants), France (50), the Netherlands (44) and the United Kingdom (32). As for nationality, 44 are the represented nations, coming from Europe and beyond, the most present are the Germans (66) followed by the Italians (57), the French (32) and the Dutch (27). Fourteen Europeans currently residing in the United States will carry out their ERC-funded projects in Europe. 

According to the ERC's forecasts, the 400 grants awarded could lead to the creation of more than 2.600 jobs for post-doctoral fellows, PhD students and other staff at the host institutions.

Ongoing Calls

  • Proof of Concept - ERC-2023-POC: deadline 21 Sep 2023 17h Brussels time
  • Starting Grant - ERC-2024-StG: deadline 24 Oct 2023, 17h Brussels time

ERC will fund 66 researchers with new grants worth 150.000 euros each